Learn How to Log In for Zoom Meetings!  Zoom meetings are FREE to all participants and is the main virtual Meeting tool our teachers and school administrative staff are currently using.  The Meeting host will provide a link and/or Meeting ID and Password for participants - if you have a web page link you can click on it and you will be taken directly to the virtual meeting log in page, otherwise go to https://zoom.us/ (zoom home page:  click on top bar "JOIN A MEETING" and enter the Meeting ID and Password).
1st Time Zoom Users:  when you click on the link (and/or enter the Meeting ID and Password) provided by the Meeting host, you will be prompted to download the Zoom Application - there is NO COST; please allow a few extra minutes for this 1st time download.  
See attached more information on what Zoom meetings look like and some of the participant functions, along with the Rosewood STEM Magnet Zoom Etiquette Guide.