Why Rosewood?

STEM Magnet of Urban Planning and Urban Design
Though we will become a STEM Magnet in 2018-2019 we began implementation during the 2016-2017 school year. The highly qualified teachers at Rosewood designed the curriculum which is implemented in our Science Lab and Technology Media.    
Project Based Learning
Rosewood is a Project Based Learning Environment. In Project Based Learning, students are pulled through the curriculum by a meaningful question to explore, an engaging real-world problem to solve, or a challenge to design or create something.
The Arts at Rosewood
Rosewood is a strong supporter of the arts, and the integration of the arts throughout the curriculum. We are an Adopt the Arts school and through their funding our students have the opportunity to learn guitar, drums or keyboard via their programs. Our annual vocal programs are a school highlight.
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Rosewood is using the "clustering" model to meet the needs of gifted students.  Teachers have taken and continue to take on-going course work giving them strategies necessary to meet the unique needs of the gifted child. Teachers of gifted/talented students "differentiate" the core curriculum through various means, including flexible groupings, acceleration of content, independent study, tiered assignments, interest centers, learning centers, compacting in student's area of strength, adjusting questions, and use of above-grade-level resources. A full day clustering model is composed of identified gifted students, students who are being screened for recommendation to the GATE program, and students who are recommended for continued screening.